Photo from unsplash by Bruce
Have you ever wondered why you or your friend like a certain song or artist, well today we will be discussing a few reasons why we select the music we do. Some reasons people select the music they do is because it is something one may be going through or has went through and can relate to what the artist is saying. Another reason one may select a certain song or topic of music to listen to is because they may want to know that lifestyle. Some people also select certain topics or songs for reinforcement. The last reason that we will discuss is one may feel a certain artist, song or song topic understand or describes them.
The first reason mentioned had to do with what one may be going through, went through or can relate to. We all go through different things in life, whether it is bad or good. During that time there are always those songs that totally state your situation, or at least a good amount of it. It may cause you to cry it out, but it helps you get over the situation. When you can relate to a song it draws you to it because it includes you, and it means something to you. Therefore seeing this as helpful to yourself you are more likely to listen to that song again, or to listen to that artist more often and even listen to songs that talk about that certain topic as well. We at Ace Music Academy tested this idea out by posting a question and answer on Instagram, in which ones could respond to. The question stated “Why do you choose the music you choose to listen to?” One of those responses were “because I can relate to it.” We will mention more of the responses I received throughout this article.
photo from unsplash by Lechon Kirb
Second, people select certain songs for reinforcement. We know your wondering, “what do they mean by that?” Well let us explain. We all go through tough situations, but when we go through those things we all have that one song that comes to mind to help us through it. For example, we all know that one friend that refuses to leave their significant other alone no matter how toxic the relationship becomes, but why? They all have their own reasons, but we won’t get into that. Despite their friend’s telling them they should leave, after they ask for their advice, there’s always that one song that says pretty much what we said, but they must sound better singing or rapping it out to them. These are the songs we consider reinforcement. It helps remind the person what their going through and it can even muster up ones courage to get themselves out of a toxic situation.
Photo from unsplash by Travis Yewell
The third topic I mentioned was that one may want to know what ones lifestyle is like. This itself has several topics within it because one may use this type of music to feel as though they are in that person’s situation to escape their own problems. Another reason is because their life may seem a bit more energized and fun, because they can buy anything they would like, travel anywhere and may have way more free time, let alone they are living their dream, and therefore it gets you excited and positive about life and feeling that this will be you one day. One other reason, within this type of reason for listening to music, is to really view things from a different side or to really know what its like to live that lifestyle, it may even influence changes you make within your own life. Also in this specific reason for listening to music it is the reason you will see a bus load of people at a party jumping around knowing all the lyrics to a song that does not describe them at all, but it allows you to feel as though you are living in their life in that moment. A response we got on our Question and answer that we put on Instagram stated “it makes you feel like you’re apart of that person’s life and the vibe catches you.”
Picture from wikipedia
The last point is that one may feel a certain artist, song or song topic understands or describes them. This kind of goes into the songs you can relate to, but it gets its own category because not only do people want to be able to relate to music, but people want to be understood, and when you don’t feel like you are in your day to day life, you may enjoy listening to music or artist that seem to be feeling misunderstood as well. It helps you to feel understood because you are not the only one misunderstood, but they tend to explain what they mean by this in there songs, and that alone may be the same reasons you feel people misunderstand you in life as well. One stated “it’s about the feeling for me” in response to my Q&A on Instagram.
picture from unsplash Tobias Tullius
A few people that responded to my Q&A on Instagram mentioned that the reason they pick the music they do is based on the vibe of the song, which we did not mention in this blog, because it will be put into its own blog, you’ll just have to stay tuned in every week to hear more.
There are many reasons we all listen to the music we do, whether we want to say so or not, and as there are many reasons we listen to the music we do, many pieces play a part in that, but today we were able to focus on the emotional or more personal side to that.
picture from unsplash by Samuel Zeller