Learning an Instrument Online

Have you ever had the urge to learn an instrument but haven’t had the time? Whether you’re a complete newbie or revisiting an instrument after a lifetime of different hobbies, the internet has become a safe-haven to help people who choose to learn in the comfort of their own homes an instrument at their own pace and in their own time. 

Music has been used to express emotions that words just can’t seem to express the same way. When on a long drive, getting bored on a plane, working out, or just spending time with friends, music brightens up everyday life.

Similarly, playing a musical instrument is rewarding in its many capacities. It allows you to express yourself and manage stress, enables you to express your buried emotions, boosts creativity and teaches you discipline. Doesn’t matter your age, there’s no age limit to learning how to play an instrument.

There are so many options of musical instruments that you can learn to play online, but there are some that are easier to self-teach. We’re going to talk about some of our personal favorites to get started learning online, including some handy tips and Youtube channels that might help you on your journey!


Bass Guitar

Bass guitar is typically one of the best ways to get started for newbies because it happens to be a fundamental musical instrument that is easily available and affordable. The instrument is pretty similar to its complement, the acoustic guitar, except the different number of strings. The bass guitar starts with four strings, unlike the acoustic which starts with six. However, it still requires just as much practice. The bass guitar is one of the foundational instruments that give songs its depth because it produces bass sounds and rhythms. Songs are easy to find, and even if you can’t read the music notations, online tutorials will help you.

Here’s a Youtube tutorial that introduces kids to playing the bass guitar, which includes how to properly hold it, tune it, and play notes on the fretboard.  




The iconic Billy Joel song, “Piano Man,” features the one and only musical instrument, the harmonica. It’s overlooked by beginners because it simply looks like a musical accessory to play around with. But to many professional musicians, they realize the power this pocket-sized instrument carries. It can create a soulful melody that touches your heart that can be used in all types of genres of music like blues, folk music, jazz, and even country.

For beginners, the harmonica is one of the best instruments to get started with. It’s small enough to fit in your pocket and fairly easy to play. To play, you have to adjust your lips and tongue into the correct position and blow air into it. By altering your mouth’s position and I’ll be sure, it’s possible to play a different pitch. Here’s one of our favorite tutorials on Youtube that will give you a step-by-step guide on how to start playing harmonica.





Piano is one of the key instruments that form the basis of music. From dynamics and rhythmic beats to melodious tunes and harmony, you can perform all the elements on a keyboard. While it seems complex, with a little help and guidance it really is comprehensible. We know it’s hard to learn two clefs simultaneously (treble and bass), it adds to the core understanding of music and it’s theoretical basis.

Here’s a video from our own channel, Ryan Ace Music, that will help get you started on your journey of learning how to play piano!


All in all, learning a musical instrument takes persistence and continuous consistent practice, almost like a language. We’re often lulled into a notion of being able to pick up an instrument and begin playing at a performer level, whereas reality is that there is a lot of practice behind each of the performances. But, don’t be to disheartened if at first your music sounds simple. Over time, with practice and more learning, you’ll be able to play all the tunes you love.