With the outbreak of COVID-19 the landscape of music education changed drastically. This hands-on industry suddenly found itself scrambling in a world where hands on was no longer possible, and e-learning might not be beneficial. However, the perseverance and dedication of students and teachers alike have allowed for music education to remain active.
Music education needs to be done in real time and in person, so that the teacher can make corrections and assist by playing or singing along. These actions need to be done in current time and due to camera and internet lag, music education was facing a major struggle. Many teachers began filming their lessons beforehand and emailing them to students so that they could practice along, and while this did not completely solve the issue, it allowed for music education to continue.
Photo by Bruno Henrique from Pexels
The logistics of teaching were not the only problems faced by music education, as they also had to contend with canceled events, some of which students had been preparing for for months. These recitals and performances were not only a source of pride for many students, but in some cases these cancellations meant the loss of necessary grades for graduation. With the minimal forewarning that prefaced the shutting down of many education centers the response has been extraordinary. Virtual recitals were set up all over the world, offering unique opportunities to family members who may not have been able to attend a performance, and still allowing the students to experience the pride in their work that they deserved. And in the cases that virtual performances were not possible, recitals were rescheduled for later dates.
Despite the difficulties faced by music education in the unprecedented shut down of many businesses, these schools have managed to make the best out of a bad situation and demonstrate that a love for music will persevere.
Take a look at the below sources for more information:
Craighead, C. (2020, April 16). Music, arts education adapts to e-learning amid COVID-19, but comes with own set of challenges. Retrieved from https://www.seattlepi.com/coronavirus/article/arts-education-amid-COVID-19-challenges-lessons-15203181.php
Strauss, V. (2020, April 26). Perspective | Covid-19 school closures 'devastating' for students who rely on music classes 'to get them through the school day'. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/04/26/covid-19-school-closures-devastating-students-who-rely-music-classes-to-get-them-through-school-day/